This is the full collection of 8 sets of 5 books – all the titles that are currently available in print from HamBaangLaang. Each book comes in English and Cantonese Chinese with Jyutping.
Level 1
Set 1
- 盒 The Box
- 阿樂寫俾恐龍仔既信 Goodbye My Friend
- 我靚唔靚 Am I pretty?
- 屋企嘅問題 Being the Eldest
- 個個都唔一樣 Everyone is Different
Level 2
Set 2a
- 我想要嗰個 That One, Please!
- 嫲嫲個菜園 Where are the Potatoes ?
- 太大個定太細個? Am I the right Size ?
- 唔好睇小螞蟻 Looking for a new home
- 阿十又發白日夢 Help! My Body is Going Crazy
Set 2b
- 月亮與帽 Moon-Stuck
- 咩都鬥一餐 Our Senses
- 釣魚日記 Nobody’s Fish
- 小蜜蜂與大苯象 The Gift
- 過黎一齊食蛋糕啦 One big Sugar Cake
Set 2c
- 老鼠仔同大山羊 Friendship Heals
- 啲聲好嘈啊 I Can’t Sleep
- 邊個叫醒到阿高? Who can Wake Him Up?
- 婆婆嘅芒果樹 Grandma’s Mango Tree
- 同阿仔玩嘅一日 My Son My Sun
Set 2d
- 食橙 From Mother’s Hand
- 等你捉到我先喇!Snuggles the, Cat!
- 伏匿匿 Where is My Yo-yo?
- 出街食飯 A Hot Bowl of Soup
唔關我事架 It Wasn’t Me
Level 3
Set 3a
- 出街玩 A Trip Downtown
- 早晨 Never Give Up!
- 星期日嘅沙灘 Off to the Beach
- 我唔明白? I don’t understand
- 九龍 Kowloon
Set 3b
- Rani 返學喇!A School for Everyone
- 跳上太空 Jump into Space
- 聖誕禮物 Christmas Present
- 鍾意顏色嘅熊人 The Bear Who Loves Colour
- 新雨褸 The New Raincoat
Mixed Levels 3, 4, 5
Set 4
- 水同雨 Do Angels Cry?
- 手 Greater Together
- 揸巴士嘅彩虹恐龍 The Rainbow Dinosaur who Drives a Bus
- 動物背後嘅故事 Humans and other Animals
- 冷線好有用 Strings that Bind
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